Ramnath ELEC Diversified Voices in Lit - Pd. 6R (12:36 - 1:21 PM)-ELS21/86 Assignments

Melody Ramnath
2020-2021 School Year
English Language Arts
BHSB's Remote Elective titled "Diversified Voices in Literature (Period 6 - 12:36 - 1:21 PM) with Ms. Ramnath. We will meet during this time for regular classes on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays via the Google Meet link on the class page. On Fridays, you can log in during this time for tutoring and any questions you may have about the course work. Additional office hours are available daily from 2:10 - 2:30 PM Monday through Friday, please e-mail or message me to sign up for a meeting during these times.

Assignment Calendar

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Past Assignments


11/4 E.A. Religion Poems Test Corrections in Google Classroom

11/4 E.A. Religion Poems Test Corrections

Please complete slides 9 - 12 for test corrections. If you did not answer the question, just explain why that particular question is the right answer.


11/3 - E.A. Reading Comprehension Quiz in Google Classroom

11/3 - E.A. Reading Comprehension Quiz

Please respond to the questions below by selecting the best response based on your understanding of what you read in Elizabeth Acevedo's "The Poet X" thus far. The poems this quiz is based on are: "Mami Works," "God," "Father Sean," and "Mami, I Say to Her on the Walk Home". The check in questions for the day are located at the end of the quiz and will be marked as extra credit!

Click on this link for the presentation which includes the poems and instructions for the day.



11/2 - TPCASTT Paragraph Assignment in Google Classroom

11/2 - TPCASTT Paragraph Assignment

Please work on completing the TPCASTT Paragraph as per the instructions in the attached peardeck presentation.


10/30 - Identity Lesson 4c in Google Classroom

10/30 - Identity Lesson 4c

Please sign into pear deck and complete slides 12 - 14 independently as all teachers will be in a professional development session today. Be sure to "TURN IN" your assignment on Google Classroom when you are done with your question responses for today.

Today you will be working INDEPENDENTLY because all teachers will be in professional development. Once you have answered the check-in question for the day, you can move on and complete the TPCASTT paragraph based on the text we read in class together yesterday in the previous slides.

You MUST write a complete 5 - 7 sentence paragraph including proper grammar and punctuation.

There will be two seperate grades, one for yesterday’s objective summaries and annotations and another for the paragraph. If you have any questions, please email me! Have a great day!


10/29 - The Poet X Lesson 9a  in Google Classroom

10/29 - The Poet X Lesson 9a

Please sign into pear deck and complete slides 1 - 11 for today's work. You will complete slides 12 - 14 independently tomorrow as all teachers will be in a professional development session. Be sure to "TURN IN" your assignment on Google Classroom when you are done with your annotations and objective summaries for today.


10/28 Check-In Question in Google Classroom

10/28 Check-In Question

After reviewing submitted assignments, you will be given the opportunity to make up any missed work you have for this class given that the marking period will be closing on Friday, 10/30. All classwork that is currently displayed on google classrooms will be archived on Monday 11/2 at 8 am. From this point, if you need to make up work, you will need to schedule a time to meet with me during office hours to discuss a plan that works best for both of us.

When you are finished with any outstanding work, please go back to google classroom and be sure to click the button that says SUBMIT! If you didn't do this for an assignment in the past, but you did the work, go back and mark it as submitted on google classrooms as well. Be sure to touch base with me by the end of class by unmuting yourself or writing in the chat to discuss the progress you have made. I will be available to assist you through the duration of the period.

With that being said, answer your CHECK-IN QUESTION for today in at least 2 - 4 complete sentences: What do you plan on working on today? Do you have outstanding work on google classrooms, padlet, pear-deck, nearpod, etc.? How much work do you need to make up or revise for this class? What help do you need from me to get things done or improve on what you have done so far?


10/27 - Check-in Question/Assignment in Google Classroom

10/27 - Check-in Question/Assignment

Check in question: Which of the following words/phrases stands out to you most? Explain why. "Unhide-able, "Stoop Sitting", or "Mira, Muchacha [Look, little girl]".

Our presentation from yesterday is linked below as it may help you with today's assignment which is a continuation from yesterday.

Our padlet for today is also posted below. Please choose one poem and respond to the questions that follow.


10/26 Assignment - E.A. "Names" in Google Classroom

10/26 Assignment - E.A. "Names"

The assignment and check-in question is linked below. Please click through the pear deck assignment at your own pace and complete it. The poem is also linked below in the event that you need to refer to it.


10/16 - Epic Author [Of Your Choice] Facts  in Google Classroom

10/16 - Epic Author [Of Your Choice] Facts

This is a research assignment!

Please look for an author that you feel that you can connect with (in any way you choose - same culture, nationality, race, religion, frame of mind, etc.). Once you have chosen that author, do some research about them and fill out the form below.

Please see below for the link to yesterday's assignment in which we saw Epic Author Facts about Elizabeth Acevedo, for your reference:



10/22 Check In Question: Why is it important to seek help from your peers in the classroom? How is it different from asking your teacher? Is it also important to give help to your peers when you know they need it? Why? in Google Classroom

10/22 Check In Question: Why is it important to seek help from your peers in the classroom? How is it different from asking your teacher? Is it also important to give help to your peers when you know they need it? Why?

Once you have answered today's check-in question, please go to Padlet (PW: P6), which will serve as a review/edit session for your midterm assessment that you all started working on yesterday. Read the instructions, respond to all questions, and comment on your peer's responses accordingly.


10/21 - E.A. Mid-Unit Assessment (Reading Comprehension & Analysis) in Google Classroom

10/21 - E.A. Mid-Unit Assessment (Reading Comprehension & Analysis)

Using the text from the poem "Spear", your objective summaries, and your exploration of literary devices, answer the questions in the attached form. Each question should be answered in 3-5 sentences minimum. The check-in question for the day can be found in this form and will be counted as extra credit. If your answer is not 3-5 sentences or using correct grammar and punctuation, it will be deducted by half possible points.

If you need access to yesterday's pear deck presentation with your responses to help you out with this assessment, please go to this link: .

The text that this quiz is based off of can be found here: .

The video of the text that this quiz is based off of can be found here: .

The literary device list can be found here: .


10/19 Check-In Question: Answer all questions found in the instructions in 2-3 complete sentences. in Google Classroom

10/19 Check-In Question: Answer all questions found in the instructions in 2-3 complete sentences.

1. When do you normally get your work done? As soon as it is assigned or at a later time? What works better for you? Why?
2. Do you feel you are a procrastinator? Why or why not?
3. Do you find it more difficult to do work now that you are remote? Why or why not?


10/15 - Epic YOU Facts Quiz in Google Classroom

10/15 - Epic YOU Facts Quiz

After watching the following videos for class, please answer the attached quiz.

To log into edpuzzle, use your BHSB Google account.

Link to Video 1: https://edpuzzle.com/assignments/5f8812974eff26413b575863/watch
Link to Video 2: https://edpuzzle.com/assignments/5f880a6cc404a5412c6d9884/watch

Link to Today's Presentation: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1JyOKHNJZobxCZJxAM_bQmtnpw56bIaEVt_35N4yh2uo/edit?usp=sharing


10/15 - Check-In Question: If you had to choose something or someone to protect you at all times, what would it be? Why? You can choose any person, animal, thing, etc...
For example: grandma, dog, plant… 
 in Google Classroom

10/15 - Check-In Question: If you had to choose something or someone to protect you at all times, what would it be? Why? You can choose any person, animal, thing, etc... For example: grandma, dog, plant…


10/14 - E.A. PBS Article Quiz in Google Classroom

10/14 - E.A. PBS Article Quiz

Please respond to the two questions in the attached quiz which are based on the PBS Article that we read about Elizabeth Acevedo. If you need access to the article, it is in the pear deck slideshow (slides 6-7) which can be found here .


Padlet Review" E.A.'s "Afro-Latina" Poem Analysis Quiz  in Google Classroom

Padlet Review" E.A.'s "Afro-Latina" Poem Analysis Quiz

Please click on the link below to take you to Padlet. The password is P6. Read the instructions on the top of the screen and complete the assignment. If you have not yet completed the quiz, please do so -it is also linked below.


E.A.'s "Afro-Latina" Poem Analysis Quiz 1 in Google Classroom

E.A.'s "Afro-Latina" Poem Analysis Quiz 1

Please work on the attached poem analysis quiz based off of Elizabeth Acevedo's poem "Afro-Latina" that we reviewed yesterday in class. The text and video versions of the poem are linked below. The list of literary devices we learned about this week is also linked below. Please use all of these resources to answer the questions on the quiz. Also, if you missed our class's check-in padlet assignment, it is linked below.


Today in class we watched the attached video by Elizabeth Acevedo. In the weeks to come, we will be reading some poetry written by her. <<Based on what you have seen here, what are some THEMES you think will come up in the poems we read by E.A.? List 2 potential themes and explain why you chose them.>> Note: A theme is a topic or subject that a story is based on. For example: love, hate, friendship, courage, corruption, power, etc. More examples are in the attached image. in Google Classroom

Today in class we watched the attached video by Elizabeth Acevedo. In the weeks to come, we will be reading some poetry written by her. <<Based on what you have seen here, what are some THEMES you think will come up in the poems we read by E.A.? List 2 potential themes and explain why you chose them.>> Note: A theme is a topic or subject that a story is based on. For example: love, hate, friendship, courage, corruption, power, etc. More examples are in the attached image.


Use one of the literary devices we learned about today in a 2 - 3 line poem. The list of literary devices are below. The presentation from today is also linked below if you need to look at it!  in Google Classroom

Use one of the literary devices we learned about today in a 2 - 3 line poem. The list of literary devices are below. The presentation from today is also linked below if you need to look at it!

1. Allegory: A short moral story.
2. Alliteration: A series of words close together in a poem that have the same first consonant sound. E.g.: Peter Piper Picked a Peck of Pickled Peppers.
3. Assonance: The repetition of the vowel sound across words within the lines of the poem creating internal rhymes.E.g.: crying time; hop-scotch; great flakes; between trees; and, the kind knight rides by.
4. Imagery: The author's use of description and vivid language, deepening the reader's understanding of the work, by appealing to the senses (sight, sounds, movement, smell, taste, texture, feeling, etc.).
5. Metaphor: When an object in, or the subject of, a poem is described as being the same as another otherwise unrelated object. E.g.: The moon was a ghostly galleon tossed upon cloudy seas…
6. Personification: A poetic device where animals, plants or even inanimate objects, are given human qualities – resulting in a poem full of imagery and description. E.g.: The table cried when he sat on it.
7. Rhyme: This is the repetition of syllables, typically at the end of a verse line. E.g.: A lazy time is the truest crime.
8. Simile: When the subject of the poem is described by comparing it to another object or subject, using 'as' or 'like'. E.g.: the subject may be 'creeping as quietly as a mouse' or be 'sly, like a fox.'
9. Repetition: This is when the same word or phrase is stated multiple times through a work of literature. E.g.: who are you, who is your family, who is your friends, they are you.
10. Rhythm: A pattern used in poetry to make the words easier on the ear, best discovered when the poem is read aloud. E.g.: We huddle closer in our blankets, from the cold, and the dark, in the dark...


DiVL Student Survey 1  in Google Classroom

DiVL Student Survey 1

Please complete the student survey that you started today in class if you haven't done so already! Have a great afternoon!


Based on what you learned today answer the following questions:

1. What is your race?
2. What is your ethnicity?
3. What is your nationality?
4. Why is it important to know what your race, ethnicity, and nationality is?  in Google Classroom

Based on what you learned today answer the following questions: 1. What is your race? 2. What is your ethnicity? 3. What is your nationality? 4. Why is it important to know what your race, ethnicity, and nationality is?

Answer questions 1 - 3 in 1 complete sentence, for example: "My race is ...". Answer question 4 in 2 - 4 complete sentences.


Race, Ethnicity, & Nationality Assignment  in Google Classroom

Race, Ethnicity, & Nationality Assignment

Please go to the slides with your name on them and answer the questions on each page. Be sure to change the font color and type for your name. Also be sure to link the websites you use for your research.

As of now, slide numbers are as follows:

Ajah 3-4, Akellia 5-6, Alex 7-8, Danna 9-10, Dennis 11 - 12, Elianny 13-14, Emily 15-16, Enphani 17-18, Eric 19-20, Jasmin 21-22, Jayden 23-24, Melani 25-26, Moussokoro 27-28, Tatyana 29-30, Zamiyah 31-32, Leondre 33-34

If you were not in attendance, please create a copy of the slides from 35-36, do not mess with anyone else's work! Only work in your slides! Thanks!!! Any questions, reach out to me at [email protected].


Today in class, 4 of your peers (Tatyana, Eric, Elianny, and Melani) presented their culture poems. Choose one peer and write 3 - 5 complete sentences about what you learned about their culture and why it was interesting to you.  in Google Classroom

Today in class, 4 of your peers (Tatyana, Eric, Elianny, and Melani) presented their culture poems. Choose one peer and write 3 - 5 complete sentences about what you learned about their culture and why it was interesting to you.

For extra points, look at the slides of those peers who did not get to present. Choose one person's work and write an extra few sentences about what you learned about them as well.


Cultural Poem Assignment in Google Classroom

Cultural Poem Assignment

Please finish working on what we started in class today. Be sure to:

1. COMPLETE the slide with your name on it - answer all questions in complete sentence, include the link of where you found your answer & a photo if you can
2. Create a COMMENT on one of your peer’s work.
- Something about any of their answers in detail - "i agree" isn't enough - why do you agree?!

Remember my examples are on slides 10 & 11


Culture Map! in Google Classroom

Culture Map!

Click on the link below to access the presentation for culture maps that you will be presenting tomorrow. :)

Go to the slide with your name on it and begin creating your culture map

You want to include the following:

The borough/city you’re from
The country you’re from
The language you speak
The religion you follow
The foods you eat
They way you socialize with friends
The traditions you follow (holidays, ceremonies, etc.)
The music you listen to
The arts you enjoy (movies, books, museums, etc.


Based on what you learned today, what would you do if a teacher referred to you or a group of your peers as a "minority"? in Google Classroom

Based on what you learned today, what would you do if a teacher referred to you or a group of your peers as a "minority"?

- Think of what you would say in the most RESPECTFUL way possible.
- Think of how you would TEACH them why you think it is correct or incorrect to use this term.
- Think of what you would tell them about the IMPACT it might have on people if they are referred to as a minority.

Make sure to address all parts of this question in a 3 - 5 sentence response.

The items we reviewed in classa re linked below.


Why might the narrator of this poem be weeping in the nail salon? How does her experience remind you of your time in quarantine? in Google Classroom

Why might the narrator of this poem be weeping in the nail salon? How does her experience remind you of your time in quarantine?

Answer both questions in a 3 - 5 sentence response.